What is Hajarduari?

This site, Hajarduari, is a partial repository of pieces written by Garga Chatterjee in English and Bangla. Hajarduari is also a thousand-moored ancient palace in Bengal. The name tried to capture both the nature of Bengal with its thousand doors as well as the conviction in a plural future that the author professes.

What is the header picture?

It is from the author’s ancestral clan’s house’ living room in Patuligram, district – Hooghly, PashchimBanga (India). Apart from the wiring, the pictures from left to right are : The Sanad that awarded the Rai Bahadur title to one of the author’s clan ancestors, Shwami Bibekanando, a certificate of election to the local Union board, Acharjo Jagadish Chandra Bose, George V – King-Emperor of India, Ma Sharoda. This snapshot is deeply revealing about the class of Bengali high-caste intermediaries and their pantheon in the early part of the 20th century.

The picture on the sides?

This is a picture of the pakka road that leads from Jirat rail station to Patuligram.

Can I republish pieces from this website?

Sure. That has been done numerous times. I would love to know when you do that.

How can I contact you?


Where are you located?

Depends on when. Generally one of the next five, in that order of frequency – Cambridge, Kolkata, Boston, Delhi, Dhaka.

2 responses to “FAQs

  1. subhadra Urmila majumdar

    Just wondering if you have any Bengali writings at all, or is it my computer playing up. Thank you for including me in your mailing list.

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